05.07.2007: iTunes release!
Sunday songs is now available on iTunes music stores worldwide.

Download it now!

05.06.2007: Desing on virb:
The band join Virb, check out here:


20.05.2007: First in line
Desing are first in line on Blonde Redhead's remix contest,
more than 1000 votes!! Thank you!!!


10.05.2007: Desing on last fm:
The band join LastFm, check out here:


29.04.2007: iTunes release
Sunday songs will be available soon on iTunes music stores worldwide.
Stay tuned!

15.04.2007: Desing on Blonde Redhead
Desing replayed Blonde Redhead's song "Signs along the path"
with Kazu's vocal track. The song's version is called
"Signs along the path (sunday acoustic)". You can listen and vote it at:


21.03.2007: MySpace page online
Desing's MySpace online today, take a tour and leave a comment at:


07.03.2007: Post Production finished
Finally, post production of Sunday Songs is finished
with the great help of Francesco Landucci